Fake Diseases / Real Poisons: Full List and Evidence

For centuries, the entire western medical establishment, as mandated by the authorities, taught the four humors theory of medicine, which led to useless, often deadly remedies such as bloodletting. Then, one day, they all said “whoops, that was totally wrong. Here’s a new theory that we think is true,” and now the entirety of medical science is based on germ theory, and all medical schools teach this as fact, and have corresponding treatments for each disease based on this theory.

Here’s a crazy thought: what if I told you that germ theory is just as completely wrong as the four humors theory? And not only that, but deliberately wrong? What if the medical field is, in coordination with other industries, drumming up business for itself by poisoning people and then selling them the antidote in the form of medicine? And what if that medicine contained further poisons that would drum up more business for the pharmaceutical industry later on down the line? What if the four humors theory was just a preliminary stage in this massive conspiracy? Such a conspiracy is outlined in The Secret Covenant:

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons, for they can see far.

– The Secret Covenant

…and La Silva Curiosa by Julio-Iniguez de Medrano:

As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.

– letter from the Prince of the Jews of Constantinople to Rabbi Chemor of Spain

…alluded to in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

Protocol No. 15

– Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

…mentioned in On the Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther:

If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact, many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the Italians-the Borgias and Medicis-who gave people poison which brought about their death in one hour or in a month.

– Martin Luther, On the Jews and Their Lies

…and by Adolf Hitler:

Above all I enjoin the government of the nation and the people to uphold the racial laws to the limit and to resist mercilessly the poisoner of all nations, international Jewry.

– Adolf Hitler, Last Will and Testament

…and mentioned in the Hebrew scriptures by God himself:

And the Lord said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
– Jeremiah 11:9

Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
– Isaiah 28:14

This is not to say, however, that I agree with Hitler or Martin Luther’s solutions to this problem. I don’t know what the solution to this problem is, if one is trying to follow the teachings of Jesus, and I do. It seems to me the first step is to hypothesize, based on the evidence at hand, then prove it scientifically through experimentation or testing, and then spread awareness of this problem. At that point a critical mass of people could get something done politically, and a leader could figure out how to end this. This blog will be a work in progress, at first listing the hypotheses, and then fleshing them out further with evidence. Quite frankly, it’ll be a minor miracle if even a small fraction of a fraction of mankind will even listen to such an out-there conspiracy theory, let alone come to believe that it’s true, let alone have the strength and coordination to stop it, let alone come up with a plan that could stop it…

An illusion it will be, so large, so vast, it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.

– The Secret Covenant

High blood pressure is not caused by the sodium in salt, but by the iodine in iodized salt. While it is said that iodine deficiency causes hypothyroidism, excess iodine causes hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism causes high blood pressure. Hence, iodine causes high blood pressure, and all the diseases that go along with it, like strokes and heart attacks. Iodine tastes salty. This is probably one of the reasons iodine was chosen to put into salt. Kosher salt is not iodized. This is the only real difference between kosher and non-kosher salt. Leaving aside the fact that there are no commandments in the Torah governing salt intake and thus no reason for kosher salt to exist, why have the Jews decided to forgo the stated health benefits of iodine in their salt? Do we know something they don’t? Or do they know something we don’t? Iodine was added to salt in the 1920s to cure an epidemic of goiters–which are swollen thyroid glands, a symptom of… hyperthyroidism! But the article above states that iodine causes hyperthyroidism. Something that causes hyperthyroidism is also the cure for hyperthyroidism? Did people get poisoned with iodine, and then get fed low levels of iodine perpetually as a cure? And is it possible that they modulated their poisonings, so that the extreme iodine poisonings (goiters) stopped as the low level poisoning commenced, thus making it look like the latter cured the former?

We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.

– The Secret Covenant

Polio is lead arsenate or DDT according to this video.

Covid-19 is snake, sea snail and starfish venom. Dr. Bryan Ardis is the one who suggested this, and this got the ball rolling for me to figure out if this is true of any other diseases. Well, consider the following hypotheses:

Malaria is deadly nightshade. Compare the symptoms in those links, and you’ll find them a near identical match. And not just a few symptoms, but dozens of symptoms. You’ll find that most modern online lists of symptoms of diseases are incomplete and vague, like this one. To get comprehensive lists of symptoms, I had to look in Materia Medica, which was discontinued in 1953 and declared obsolete. Like, wouldn’t it be helpful if the modern medical websites gave a complete list of symptoms of diseases? But no, they don’t do this. They say things like “symptoms may include”, and that “if you want a full list of symptoms, consult your doctor.” Why don’t they give a complete list of symptoms? Wouldn’t that save lives?

Ear infections (otitis media) are caused by aconite. Compare the symptoms in those links, and you’ll see what I’m seeing. It never made sense to me why it was only babies, puppies, and kittens that got ear infections. Older animals and wild animals, hardly any ear infections. But babies, puppies, and kittens have one thing in common–they get vaccinated, and studies show that vaccination increases the likelihood of ear infections.

When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for their help.

– The Secret Covenant

I was clued into the identical symptoms by a homeopathy article that recommends taking monkshood as a remedy for ear infections, and why? Because they have the same symptoms! This is the very essence of the “science” of homeopathy–take a poison as a remedy, because you have identical symptoms to what that poison would cause, no doubt because that’s what’s wrong with you in the first place. You were poisoned. If you believe in homeopathy, I have a bridge to sell you.

The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for want of wisdom.

– Proverbs 10:21

The plague of Athens was deadly nightshade. I made a series of videos (Fake Diseases / Real Poisons parts 2 and 3) with further evidence of this.

Typhus is deadly nightshade. Fake Diseases / Real Poisons part 5 shows this as well.

Dysentery is deadly nightshade. In many wars the soldiers would die of either dysentery or typhus, or some combination of both, but if you look at the symptoms, they’re just two different sets of symptoms of deadly nightshade. There are even old articles recommending deadly nightshade as a remedy for dysentery.

Typhoid fever is deadly nightshade. You can tell in the first link that the symptoms of typhoid and typhus are identical, but they want to obscure this fact. In reality, the difference between them is the vector, not the symptoms. The vector can be easily made up, but not the symptoms. Fake Diseases / Real Poisons part 4 also shows this. It was only in the 1800s when any scientists started claiming that typhus and typhoid fever were different diseases. 2/3rds of the deaths during the Civil War were from diseases including typhoid fever (there it is again–pandemics erupting during a war, and then conveniently dying down as the war concludes) and yet it turns out that belladonna, i.e. deadly nightshade, was one of the main medicines given to the soldiers! Coincidence, or plot?

…we will create medicine that will make them sicker and create other diseases, for which we will create yet more medicine.

– The Secret Covenant

All hemorrhagic fevers are deadly nightshade. In the link they say the symptoms vary, and yet they have one list of symptoms that covers all hemorrhagic fevers, which supposedly are all caused by completely different germs and transmitted by completely different vectors, and yet they can all be lumped together as one when it comes to symptoms. This includes the marburg virus, hantavirus, West Nile virus, ebola, dengue, and yellow fever.

Tetanus is strychnine. You can tell very clearly from where people usually contract tetanus–rusty nails, and all manner of doctor’s implements–that it’s no bacteria that causes it. Doctor’s implements are among the most sterile, hostile places for germs to inhabit. No, clearly doctors are putting poison on their syringes or scalpels, and nail companies are infusing the insides of their nails with strychnine, and when they rust, the strychnine is exposed.

Hepatitis is ricin, arsenic, or a variety of other toxins. The title of this article tells you that ricin induces hepatitis. Really, hepatitis just means a swollen liver. What makes a liver swell? It swells when it’s processing some toxin out of your blood. Therefore, there is no need to get any hepatitis or tetanus vaccine, and certainly a significant reason not to take it. They’re poisoning you, then tricking you into taking another poison, as the Secret Covenant states.

Cholera is ricin. Here’s a quote from this article: “The stools of Ric. correspond exactly to the rice-water stools in cholera… Ric. also has painless evacuations which are met with in many cases of cholera.” In this article, they suggest cholera toxin (the toxin excreted by the cholera bacterium) as a remedy for ricin poisoning, even though both cause the same symptoms! At the time of the cholera outbreak in France, people were saying it was a conspiracy to poison the people. Our history books don’t even hardly mention this pandemic now, and if they do, they certainly don’t tell us this, because the history books are put out by the publishing houses, and those publishing houses are owned by those in this conspiracy.

Obesity is caused by lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, fluoride, arsenic, and other obesogens. Read the last article, and you’ll know that they’re lining food and drink containers with chemicals they know cause obesity. They don’t mention any other way they use these chemicals. Is that because these are the only ways they’re used? PFOA is a chemical that, if exposed to a fetus, will cause a permanent tendency towards obesity later on. Mercury and cadmium, if consumed around the time of conception, cause obesity for 4 generations. That would definitely appear like a genetic trait, when it isn’t.

Taking a look at this map, you can see that the U.S. and Mexico are quite obese, and this is typically chalked up to being wealthy or gluttonous, but if it’s wealth, then why is Libya so fat? Or Syria? These are countries torn with strife and poverty. China, as of the summer of 2023 (when this is written) is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, and they’re thin as a bean pole. I know, I lived there, and when I was there, I got real skinny, and when I’d travel back to the U.S., I’d fill out again, like clockwork. I did not watch what I ate in either locale. In China, during the 2021-2022 school year, I’d eat burgers every day, from McDonald’s, Burger King, or my favorite local gourmet burger joint, Smiley Burger. And if I didn’t eat that, I’d be eating the local cuisine, which consists largely of the hot pot–meat and produce boiled in a spicy, oily broth, then taken out and dipped in an oily concoction of a sauce. Nothing about it screamed healthy. I never saw anyone watch what they ate, or be health conscious at all. I never saw anyone exercise for any reason other than fun. You’d see grannies do line dancing in the street, but that was about it. The same with Taiwan, when I lived there. I learned a bit of Chinese, and when I could finally understand a bit of what they were saying, all they’d ever talk about was food, and whether or not something was delicious. They love food, eat it all day long, it’s cheap as all get out, and they’re all thin. I come back to the U.S. of A., and I’ve never seen a people so health conscious. Every container has information on trans fats, gluten, or cholesterol. People are vegans. Nobody’s vegan in Asia, except maybe for Buddhist reasons, but even that is rare. And they guzzle alcohol like nobody you’ve ever seen, so this “light beer” phenomenon is only in America. Because only American beer makes you fat. Could this simply be a matter of these chemicals being deployed in America, but not China? One thing you’ll note is that most of the countries that suffer most from obesity are proximate to Jewish populations. Israel is surrounded by obese countries, and most of the rest of the Jewish population lives in the U.S.A.

If America’s fat because they’re so rich, then why weren’t they fat in the 70s, when they were richer than they are now? Besides, it’s common knowledge that the underclass in America is fatter than upper class.

They will grow more depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us
for help, we will give them more poison.

– The Secret Covenant

Depression is caused by aluminum, lead, and mercury. These three metals cause depression. Fluoride does too. Do you suppose anything else causes it? I see no other culprits for the epidemic of depression and suicide sweeping the U.S. these days. Look at how many items we consume that contain mercury, and you’ll know it’s a deliberate plot.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s (but I repeat myself, since they’re one and the same set of symptoms) are caused by fluoride, lead, mercury, aluminum, manganese, and zinc. Here’s a map of the death rate by country from Alzheimer’s worldwide:

I just got back from living in Taiwan for 6 years and China for 8, where nobody except me was that depressed, forgetful, irritable, lethargic, or sleepless, and I never saw an old person with Alzheimer’s. Nor did I see any chemtrails, like I would in the States. Chemtrails, it turns out, contain atomized aluminum and lead, among other things, and they cause a lot of these problems, and deliberately so. You’ll notice the death rate from Alzheimer’s and dementia (but I repeat myself, again) is far lower in China than the United States.

Cavities are caused by lead. It is generally thought that sugar causes cavities, but did you know that lead also causes cavities, and that lead is often found in candy and soda? Do you suppose it’s just a coincidence that a poisonous metal that is sweet is often found in sweets? You’ll notice that in this article on having healthier teeth, it says to avoid “processed treats”, soda, and baked goods, which also contain processed sweets. What is the process by which a sweet candy hurts your teeth, but sweet fruit–which is oftentimes just as sweet–doesn’t? Is it simply adding lead? Is that the “process”?

We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. When their teeth decay, we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.

– The Secret Covenant

Parkinson’s is caused by lead, mercury, and aluminum.

Arthritis is mercury. The article, after saying that the mercury caused 6 times more arthritis than the placebo, then goes on to make this absurd claim:

The initial pathogenic causes of most cases of arthritis remain unknown. Investigators suggested that underlying genetic or epigenetic susceptibility to autoimmunity were important in the etiology of arthritis, but investigators also suggested that exposure to environmental toxicants, such as mercury (Hg), could play a part in the pathogenesis of arthritis.

– David and Mark Geier, Dental Amalgams and the Incidence Rate of Arthritis among American Adults

The cause remains unknown, even though we just proved something causes it. Then some investigators–which shall remain nameless, as it happens–say it could be genetic. So where’s the study proving it’s genetic? It’s not there, because they say the cause remains unknown. So why are they speculating on another cause, when they have a proven cause right in front of them?

However, they have not acquired a perfect mastery of the art of lying; they lie so clumsily and ineptly that anyone who is just a little observant can easily detect it.

– Martin Luther, On the Jews and Their Lies

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is caused by mercury or copper poisoning.

Osteoporosis is caused by cadmium, lead, mercury, and other chemicals.

Diabetes is caused by arsenic, among other things.

Measles is deadly nightshade. Bear with me, because there are a lot of diseases that match deadly nightshade.

Mumps is deadly nightshade. The first description of the mumps, by Hippocrates, contains a lot of the same symptoms as the plague of Athens by Thucydides, and it also contains a lot of symptoms of deadly nightshade not mentioned by Thucydides, such as parotitis–swollen salivary glands. The number one homeopathic treatment for mumps is deadly nightshade, and using the principal laid out above, we can conclude that mumps is deadly nightshade.

Rubella is deadly nightshade.

Roseola is deadly nightshade.

Meningitis is deadly nightshade.

Naegleria fowleri, the brain-eating amoeba, is deadly nightshade.

Scarlet fever is deadly nightshade.

Rocky mountain fever is deadly nightshade.

Strep throat is a light dose of deadly nightshade.

Black Death was a combination of arsenic telluride (a black powder) and powdered realgar, which is arsenic sulfide (a red powder). Compare the symptoms of Black Death with arsenic, and you will find quite a match.

…it was a powder sewed up in a thin leathern pouch accompanied by a letter, commanding him, on penalty of excommunication, and by his required obedience to the law, to throw this poison into the larger and more frequented wells of the town of Thonon, to poison those who drew water there.

“This is the well into which I put the poison.” The well was examined in his presence, and the linen cloth in which the poison had been wrapped was found in the waste-pipe by a notary-public named Heinrich Gerhard, in the presence of many persons, and was shewn to the said Jew. He acknowledged this to be the linen which had contained the poison, which he described as being of two colours, red and black, but said that he had thrown it into the open well.

– Black Death in the 14th Century by Justus Hecker

The current theory of what Black Death was–bubonic plague transmitted by rat-borne fleas–has been debunked. Rats don’t travel that fast, and don’t even live in certain places the plague hit, like Iceland. It allegedly started in China, and yet hit only certain provinces and not others, and there exists no Chinese description of Black Death until it hit there again in 1644, which leads one to believe it wasn’t Black Death that hit them at all in the 1300s, but some other poison. There were European accounts at the time of India being affected, and yet there are no Indian accounts of Black Death in the 1300s, and no evidence India was hit at all at that time, despite the heavy trade that existed between it and the Mediterranean. And it completely skipped sub-Saharan Africa, that bastion of hygiene and medical know-how. It also skipped Poland, which was a refuge for the Jews at the time.

That’s all for now!

And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

– Isaiah 28:18

In light of these facts, here are some health recommendations, if you’re the type of person who doesn’t feel like getting poisoned:

  • Eat as little processed foods as possible. That’s standard advice, but only now do we get why the advice is good. Because the process consists of adding poison!
  • Eat kosher food products, if given a choice. Why? Not because it’s in the obsolete Sinai Covenant but because they aren’t poisoning the kosher foods. Take kosher salt as an example. Are there Torah laws governing salt? No, there are not. So then what’s the difference between kosher salt and regular salt? Kosher salt doesn’t have any added chemicals, and thus isn’t as bad for your health, which this article directly states.
  • Eat as little seafood as possible, since they say it all has mercury contamination.

Please keep in mind that I think it’s logistically impossible that the Jews themselves are carrying out all these poisonings, all over the world, all by themselves. I think they are working in tandem with fallen angels, as Isaiah 28:18 implies. God and his angels have also been known to carry out plagues, so I wouldn’t rule them out either. I do think Covid-19 and the subsequent vaccine have been the first vial of Revelation pouring out.

– Jason Stuermer Roberts

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